Where Excellence is Expected

Fort Collins

High School

Where Excellence is Expected

Where Excellence is Expected

Art & Photography Course Descriptions

1211 | Two Dimensional (2D) Design: 5 credits – grades 9, 10, 11, 12 – Fine & Applied Arts – no prerequisite

This is one of the two prerequisites for all studio art courses. The course emphasizes the importance of a strong foundation in the Art Elements, through the use of 2-dimensional art media. Emphasis is on finding creative solutions to visual problems. Student supplies, kit and/or fees required. AT FCHS: 2D Design is a pre-requisite to all 2D and 3D studio art classes (see flowchart). 3D Design is a prerequisite option for students who are only interested in taking upper-division 3D classes. (**supplies required)


1212 | Three Dimensional (3D) Design: 5 credits – grades 9, 10, 11, 12 – Fine & Applied Arts – no prerequisite

This is one of the two prerequisites for all studio art courses. The course emphasizes the importance of a strong foundation in the Art Elements, through the use of 3-dimensional art media. Emphasis is on finding creative solutions to visual problems. Student supplies, kit and/or fees required. AT FCHS: 3D Design is a prerequisite option for students who are only interested in taking upper-division 3D classes (see flowchart). (**supplies required)


1213 | Design A-Unified Art: 5 credits – grades 9, 10, 11, 12 – Fine & Applied Arts – no prerequisite 

This class will emphasize the elements of design with an introduction of principles and be involved primarily with two-dimensional art forms. AT FCHS:  General education students who register for the course take the role of supportive peer helpers for students with disabilities. Students will work in diverse peer groups in conjunction with paraprofessional aides and teacher to help Integrated Services students complete modified art projects and activities. Students are introduced to various art materials and subject matter in this class.  Design A does NOT fulfill the prerequisite for advanced art classes at FCHS.


8327 | Commercial Photo 1: 5 credits – grades 9,10,11,12 – Fine & Applied Arts, no prerequisite

This photography course focuses on studio-based photography. Students will learn basic DSLR camera operations, framing and the art of styling and lighting for professional photoshoots. Projects will include various print advertisements and studio work. Students will learn about careers related to commercial photography and the postsecondary programs and requirements within Colorado. Some examples of jobs in this area are photographer, graphic designer, and stylist. Students will complete a number of projects and design pieces to be added to personal portfolios. At FCHS: Students will receive some Photoshop experience as well. (**supplies required)


8796 | Commercial Photo II: 5 credits – grades 9,10,11,12 – Fine & Applied Arts, prerequisite: Photography 1

Course emphasizes the needs of commercial photographers with regard to technical expertise, creativity, and professional equipment. Technical aspects include film to digital transfer, lighting, digital image manipulation, alternative processes, large format camera work and stock photography. Creative exploration of subject matter, lighting, color theory and other psychological characteristics in the development of images are studied. A variety of photographic equipment is utilized for the studio and on location. Students are expected to create a portfolio of work for both print and electronic formats. At FCHS: Students will receive some Photoshop experience as well. (**supplies required)


1240 | Drawing: 5 credits – grades 9,10,11,12 – Fine & Applied Arts, prerequisite: 2D Design

This course will provide an opportunity for students to improve their own drawing skills while encouraging them to think and express themselves creatively. Students will explore the use of a wide variety of techniques and media such as pencil, conte, charcoal, color pencils, marker, pen and ink, and pastels. Drawing is recommended before taking other art classes. (**supplies required)


1241 | Advanced Drawing: 5 credits – grades 10,11,12 – Fine & Applied Arts, prerequisite: Drawing

This advanced course is a continuation of the drawing course and is designed for the serious artist who would like to continue to improve his or her drawing abilities. Students will be encouraged to use their drawing skills to express themselves in a visually creative manner. **Student supplies, kit and/or fees required.


1270 | Jewelry/Metalsmithing: 5 credits – grades 9,10,11,12 – Fine & Applied Arts, prerequisite: 2D or 3D Design

The students will observe and interpret metals and nonmetals through experimentation. Planning of designs utilizing the skills of sawing forging cold connections soldering casting surface enrichment and other beginning jewelry techniques may be explored. The history and aesthetics of jewelry will be studied. Wire metal (nickel silver brass copper and sterling silver) wood fibers and stones may be used. The process of casting is also introduced. Design and craftsmanship are emphasized. Drawing is strongly recommended before taking the course. AT FCHS: Think of this course as a metalsmithing class/jewelry class. (**supplies required)


1271 | Advanced Jewelry/Metalsmithing: 5 credits – grades 10,11,12 – Fine & Applied Arts, prerequisite: Jewelry/Metalsmithing

This course is a continuation of Jewelry. The students will continue to explore various media and advanced techniques in jewelry. **Student supplies kit and/or fees required.


1280 | Painting: 5 credits – grades 9, 10, 11, 12 – Fine & Applied Arts, prerequisite: 2D Design

This course covers the basic materials and methods of painting. The students will learn to work with watercolor, acrylic, and tempera. Emphasis will be on understanding color relationships, creative expression, and recognizing the impact of our artistic heritage. Drawing (#1240) is strongly recommended before taking this course. **Student supplies, kit and/or fees required.


1281 | Advanced Painting: 5 credits – grades 10, 11, 12 – Fine & Applied Arts, Prerequisite: Painting

This advanced course is a continuation of the painting course and is designed for the serious artist who would like to continue to improve his or her painting abilities. Students will continue to explore various media and advanced techniques in painting. Student supplies, kit and/or fees required.


1320 | Pottery: 5 credits – grades 9, 10, 11, 12 – Fine & Applied Arts, prerequisite: 2D or 3D Design

This course offers the student the opportunity of exploring various methods and techniques utilized in pottery construction. The student will learn the techniques of handbuilding and throwing on the potter's wheel. **Student supplies, kit and/or fees required.


1322 | Advanced Pottery: 5 credits – grades 10, 11, 12 – Fine & Applied Arts, prerequisite: Pottery

This course is a continuation of Pottery. The students will design and construct advanced pottery pieces and will explore various techniques associated with pottery. The students may also explore using multi-media approaches to pottery. **Student supplies, kit and/or fees required.


1330 | Sculpture: 5 credits – grades 9, 10, 11, 12 – Fine & Applied Arts, prerequisite: 2D or 3D Design

The student will explore the third dimension by working with a variety of materials in order to translate 3-dimensional designs into 3-dimensional sculptural pieces. Students may work with a variety of sculptural materials including clay wire metal plaster found objects and paper. Drawing is strongly recommended before taking this course. **Student supplies, kit and/or fees required.


1484 | AP Studio Art: 10 credits – grade 12 – Fine & Applied Arts, prerequisite: Staff Recommendation

This class provides students the opportunity to work in a variety of art mediums in a studio environment to create a finalized portfolio to submit as part of the AP Studio Art test. The curriculum for this class includes instruction with various mediums history aesthetics and evaluation. AP Studio Art is designed for the serious art student wishing to pursue an art related field/education. It is strongly recommended that students complete a minimum of at least two upper level art classes. (**supplies required)


9622CEFRHS | FRCC Art Appreciation (ART1110): 5 credits – grades 11, 12 – Humanities - no prerequisite

ART1110: This course introduces the cultural significance of the visual arts, including media, processes, techniques, traditions, and terminology.  At FCHS: Students will develop the essential skills of visual and contextual analysis. By examining works of art from diverse cultures and the relationships among these works, students will cultivate an understanding of global artistic traditions. The skills developed in this course provide important tools for navigating and interpreting visual culture in today’s world. Upon completion, students will receive three FRCC credits.


                             FCHS Visual Arts course offering          

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