Where Excellence is Expected

Fort Collins

High School

Where Excellence is Expected

Where Excellence is Expected



Attendance FAQs

What is the attendance phone number? (970) 488-8018

When is my student considered late to class? A student who arrives to class with a pass from a staff member will be marked Tardy Excused (TE) regardless of arrival time. A student will be marked Tardy Unexcused (TU) if the student arrives within the first 10 minutes of class. A student will be marked Extreme Tardy (EXT) if the student arrives 11-45 minutes late to class. Anything past 45 minutes will be marked Unexcused Absence (U). If a student checks in or out at the front office or the attendance office, the time of arrival/departure will be recorded in the attendance notes. Additionally, a student will be marked Unexcused Absent (U) if they leave the classroom without permission or if they exceed the prescribed time to be out of class (7 minutes in most instances). FCHS considers this an Unauthorized Departure.

At what point is a student considered habitually truant? A student shall be considered “habitually truant” if they are of compulsory attendance age (under 17 years of age) and have 10 total days of unexcused absences during any school year or four total days of unexcused absences in any month. 

What if a student needs to leave a class early? If a student needs to leave class early, please contact the attendance office to excuse the student. If you need to contact your student during class, contact the front desk at (970) 488-8021 and we will relay the message. 

Can someone else check a student out? If someone other than a parent/guardian is checking a student out, they need to be listed in the student’s contact info. Only a parent/guardian can excuse a student’s absence.

Can a student excuse their own absences? Students cannot call themselves in, even if they are over 18. If a student is over 18 and still lives at home, a parent/guardian needs to call to excuse the student. Students calling to excuse their own absence(s) will be referred to the Deans. 

What if my child was not late or was in class and marked absent? Once a student is marked absent, the attendance secretary will only excuse the absence with parent contact. If you feel the student was marked tardy or absent in error, please have the student talk to the teacher directly.

What if a student will be missing consecutive days? If a student knows in advance that they will be missing two or more days, please have your student complete a prearranged absence form. These forms can be found in the front office.  After the teachers have filled out the form, the student will get approval from an administrator and return the form to the attendance office.  A parent/guardian will need to call the attendance office to confirm the absences. 

What if I forgot to call in my student’s absence? Absences will be excused up to five days following the absence. 

Student Code of Conduct:


Department Team

Department Leader

Courtney Kershner

PSD does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, veteran status, age or disability in access or admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. A lack of English speaking skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation.