
Students have many opportunities to become involved at Fort Collins High School. There are a variety of student organizations to meet the interests of most students. Below is a listing of our student organizations, and a link to the website if available. For more information about student organizations, go to the District Policy IGDA - SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS.

Application for a Student-Initiated and Led Organization - Log in as a student, then select the student initiated club application

PSD Club and Student Activities Webpage

Activities DirectorJustin Stephens 

School Sponsored Activities and Clubs Sponsor Meeting Times Location
Amnesty International
This high school chapter of the worldwide non-partisan Human Rights organization works on behalf of prisoners of conscience and takes action against some of the gravest violations by governments of people’s civil and political rights.
Elaine Holmes Weekly @ Lunch Wednesdays P107
Asian Student Organization
A diverse group of students who want to celebrate and learn about Asian Culture.
Ben Rude Lunch, every third Monday P111
Banjo Club Chris Tholl Weekly @ Lunch Mondays P101
Bike Club
This club is available to all students who are interested in biking, learning more about how bikes function, getting information about community cycling opportunities, and sharing rides, routes, scars, and stories.
Mitch Schneider Weekly @Lunch on Tuesdays P202
Black Student Union
This club is description is coming soon
Laurel Cashen Monthly @ lunch First Wednesday P115
Boltz Bridges
This Club for continued connection of students who participated in Boltz Bridges transition program.
Christy Chappell

Quarter 1 - 4th Period

Q2, Q3, Q4 during lunch by invite

Boosters promotes school spirit
Pam Davidson, Rebecca Garrett Weekly @ Lunch Mondays P205
Book Club Club
Book club promotes reading and conversing about books while encouraging students to read for the joy of the practice .
Erin O'Connor Weekly @ Lunch Wednesdays L204
Chess Club
Chess club meets weekly to learn about and play chess
Billy McDonald Weekly @ Lunch Thursdays P213
This organization is designed for students interested in marketing and business - participants MUST be enrolled in a business/marketing class in order to participate.
Laura Pearson & Jason Miller Biweekly @ Lunch 1st and 3rd Thursdays M203/205
Drones Flyer and Engineering Club
This club flies drones and explores the engineering of drones and flight systems.
Chuck HubbelingGarret Johnson Biweekly @Lunch 2nd and 4th Wednesdays L105
E-Sports competes under the CHSAA umbrella and utilizes the PlayVS platform for competition. Students may choose and what games they wish to compete. State Championships are held fall and spring.
Chance Yung & Blake Marlow

Meetings: Weekly @Lunch; Tues., Weds. & Thurs. 

Matches: Weekly 4:05 - 6:00 PM; Tues., Weds. & Thurs.

Tues & TH: L112

Weds: P108

Environmental Club
We are a group of students dedicated to making FCHS a more environmentally sustainable school by engaging and educating the student population on topics such as the importance of recycling, conservation, and keeping the school clean.
Dakota Johnson Weekly Wednesdays @Lunch L114
FBLA-PBL inspires and prepares students to become community-minded business leaders in a global society through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences
Kyle Coles, Jon-Michael Willert As scheduled on Thursdays @ Lunch M203/205
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a nationally recognized student leadership organization related to career and technical education.
Jody Osteen Weekly Wednesdays @Lunch M213
Fly Tying Club 
Learn to tie flies!
Chris Tholl Weekly Thursdays @Lunch P101
French Club
For those who are interested in French culture and language. 
Angelica Arias Alonso Weekly Wednesdays @Lunch M117
German Club
For those who are interested in German culture and possibly some language on the side. 
Erin Burradair Weekly Fridays @Lunch M102
Give Next
Service organization focused on philanthropy and community service.
Billy McDonald Weekly Fridays @Lunch P213
Genders & Sexualities Alliance (GSA)
Also known as Rainbow Road, this group exists to provide a safe space to discuss LGBTQ issues or other issues impacting the diverse student body of FCHS. 
Laurel Harris Monthly 1st Wednesday @Lunch P115
History Club
The focus of History Club is learning about history in ways that cannot always be done within the scope of existing history classes at FCHS.
Nicole Santner Weekly Tuesdays @Lunch P213
Future Health Professionals, formerly known as Health Occupations Students of America. This CTE student organization is for students interested in careers in the health care field.
James Cockrell Monthly 3rd Wednesday @Lunch L203
Key Club
Key Club members around the world are learning how to lead and stand for what’s right through service and volunteerism.
Garret Johnson Lunch every other Tuesday with exceptions L109
This group produces a weekly online broadcast about activities and people at FCHS using state of the art digital film and editing facilities.
Anne Colwell 1st Period by Enrollment KLYD Studio
Knowledge Bowl
Teams of four students plus two alternates compete to answer questions from most fields including science, history, geography, mathematics, literature, grammar, music, arts and sports.
Ryan Bishop Weekly Mondays @Lunch L102
Latin American Student Alliance (LASA)
Provide leadership opportunities for Hispanic Students and educate the student body about Latino History/Culture.
Jody Snow Biweekly 2nd and 4th Tuesdays @Lunch  M115
Link Crew
The Freshman transition program is facilitated by Link Crew who help the freshmen adjust to FCHS by serving as guides, role models and mentors.
CaraShea Hughes Melanie Smith As Scheduled  
Mathematics Honor Society
The FCHS Chapter of Mu Alpha is dedicated to inspiring a keen interest in mathematics, developing strong scholarship in the subject, and promoting the enjoyment of mathematics in high school.
Ryan Bishop Monthly 2nd Friday @Lunch L100
Mock Trial
Mock Trial can be one of the most memorable and meaningful learning experiences that students can have.  As students take on the roles of attorney, witness, or defendant, they truly begin to understand the implications of the law and how it is interpreted and applied.  
Kelly Keough Days TBD 6:00-8:00 PM Front Office Conference Room
Model UN
Model UN is a simulation of the UN General Assembly and its other multilateral bodies. Students perform an ambassador role while debating topics such as gender equality, climate action, global health, and more. Students are challenged to think and speak about global issues from the perspective of another country's ambassador. 
National Art Honor Society
The National Art Honor Society program inspires and recognizes creative students in grades 9-12 who have shown an outstanding ability and interest in Visual Art. 
Tara Lanterman Monthly last Wednesday @Lunch R105

National Honor Society
NHS recognizes and promotes outstanding students in FCHS, providing service to school and community and to promote excellence in and out of the classroom.


Sarah Keller Monthly 1st Friday @8:10 AM P100
National Ocean Sciences Bowl
Students study the science of the oceans. During competition, teams of 4-5 students compete to answer questions about the oceans in the fields of chemistry, physics, biology and earth science.
Peter Workman Twice Weekly Mondays and Wednesdays @Lunch L207
National Speech & Debate Association
FCHS Speech and Debate is nationally chartered by the NSDA, competing in local, state, out of state, and national tournaments, with entries in over a dozen types of speaking events.
Jason Clarke, Kirsten Guest Twice Weekly Tuesdays & Thursdays 4:15-6:00pm (9/17 - 3/11) P201
National Technical Honor Society
NTHS is an important career investment, respected by business, industry, and education that will add value and prestige to your professional portfolio.
Pam Davidson As Scheduled Student Services
Peer Counselors
Peer Counselors give tours of the school to new students and families. Peers are trained in listening, communication, conflict resolution, mediation, diversity and equity.
Anna MorrisLauren Harrington Twice Weekly Tuesdays & Thursdays; Zero Hour 8:05-9:00 AM L100
Remington Street Review
This arts and literature magazine contains work submitted by FCHS students. Review members edit, compose, and publish the magazine annually.
Rob Schutt TBD P208
Science Bowl
Teams of four students plus one alternate compete to answer questions from several areas of science (chemistry, physics, biology, math, computer science, earth science, astronomy and energy).
Peter Workman Twice Weekly Mondays and Wednesdays @Lunch L207
Science Olympiad
The Science Olympiad is a competition in which teams of 15 students compete in 23 events
Science National Honor Society
The SNHS recognizes and promotes outstanding science students in the FCHS community.
Josanne Lucas Monthly 1st Thursday @Lunch L203
School Newspaper / Spilled Ink
Spilled Ink is the student-run news organization at FCHS, to inform the student body about current issues in the school, community, country and world.
Anne Colwell   P202
Soccer Club
Meet up with other newcomer students to learn more about FCHS, and how to be successful students. 
Blanca Mael & Jeff Keepman Wednesdays during Lunch Liaison's Office
Spanish Club Megan Folkerts TBA  
Student Equity Advocates
Develop student leaders who will identify and advocate for strategies to create and nurture an inclusive environment and more equitable experiences for all FCHS students and families.
Elaine Holmes & Mariah Runyan TBA  
Student Advisory Board
The SAB was created to be a student voice representing all individuals and groups so that the Principal would clearly understand student needs, issues and concerns
Jennifer Roth TBA  
Student Council
Student Council acts as the Fort Collins High School student government.
Craig Rhoades, Michaela Kimsey 4th Period, first and third quarter P100
Successful Career Lambkins
SCL members function as a management team and work collaboratively as they use information and skills they’ve learned and products they’ve produced during Alternative Cooperative Education (ACE) classes to create materials and presentations for competition at the statewide (SC)2 conference.
Gregory Brigham 1st Period by Enrollment Commons
International Thespian Society / Tower Theater
Students who have completed 6 or more shows at FCHS and who show dedication, integrity, positivity, and a passion for the arts either on or backstage. 
Jason Tyler Common Lunch Black Box
Tri-M (National Music Honor Society)
Tri-M recognizes and promotes music through service in the FCHS community.
John Hermanson Monthly Meetings as scheduled 8:15 AM McNeal
Technology Student Association (TSA)
The Technology Student Association (TSA) is a national non-profit career and technical student organization (CTSO) of middle and high school students engaged in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). TSA offers assorted competitions, intracurricular activities, leadership opportunities, and community service.
Tara Lanterman Lunch Tuesdays R101
Unified Pals
Fort Collins High School offers Unified Pals that is an extracurricular club offered for all students with and without disabilities.
Ben Rude & Laura Barnes Biweekly 2nd and 4th Tuesdays @Lunch PE 1
Welding Club/Skills USA Pals
SkillsUSA is the #1 workforce development organization for students. We empower students to become skilled professionals, career-ready leaders and responsible community members.
Chuck Hubbeling Biweekly 2nd & 4th Wednesdays @Luch L105
This student-run publication class has a year-long format with professional deadlines to capture the school year in words and pictures.
Jason Cunningham 3rd Period by enrollment P108


Other Activities Monitor(s) Meeting days/times Meeting Location
After Prom
Junior and sophomore parents organize, fundraise and implement this extravaganza after prom
Craig Rhoades    
FCHS offers a number of large and small concert ensembles including a Pep Band that performs at school sporting events, three concert ensembles that play traditional band literature and attend band festivals, a large and small jazz ensemble, and various chamber groups.
David Miles    
FCHS supports six extraordinary choirs. These choirs have consistently received superior ratings at festivals, as well as being selected to perform at multiple CMEA conventions.
Andraya Perron,    Joe Perron    
JROTC district program hosted at Poudre High School. Use the link for more information.
Poudre High School   PHS
Junior / Senior Prom
Junior student council members plan the Junior/Senior Prom
Rebecca Garrett    
Musicals Jason Tyler    
FCHS orchestras are known for excellence. They consistently earn superior ratings at state-level contests.
John Hermanson    
Senior Class Sponsors Craig Rhoades    
Graduation Kaitlin MilesPam Davidson, Joy Ladzinski