Where Excellence is Expected

Fort Collins

High School

Where Excellence is Expected

Where Excellence is Expected

Economics Course Descriptions

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1923 | Introduction to Economics: 5 credits – grades 11, 12 – Economics – no prerequisite

Students will learn and be able to use economic thinking, problem solving, and logic in solving business problems and analyzing current topics. This course emphasizes the role of free markets in determining economic well-being. Students will learn the fundamentals of microeconomics including supply, demand, and pricing, along with the basics of macroeconomics: Monetary Policy, Fiscal Policy, Money, Supply and the role of government in stabilizing and growing an economy. This course offers students the opportunity to apply what they learn through interactive projects and group assignments.  


7230 | Economics: 5 credits – grades 11, 12 – Economics – no prerequisite

As the world's economies become increasingly interdependent it is essential that students become economic thinkers. Using micro and macro-economic tools and concepts students in this course will build the foundation necessary for understanding real-world economic issues. Students will understand the allocation of scarce resources in societies through analysis of individual choice market interaction and public policy. Units of study include: Economic Thinking Market Capitalism The Business Cycle Monetary Policy Fiscal Policy and Global Markets. The economic foundation built in this course will also enhance understanding of other social science disciplines such as political science geography history and sociology.


7233 | AP Macro Economics: 5 credits – grades 10th (with approval ), 11, 12 – Economics – no prerequisite

The purpose of this AP course in economics is to give students a thorough understanding of the principals of macroeconomics. Macroeconomics studies the economic system as a whole. Emphasis is placed on the study of national income and price-level determination. Students are familiarized with economic performance measures the financial sector stabilization policies economic growth and international economics. This course is designed to prepare the student to challenge the Advanced Placement Examination in Macro Economics. Full-year Micro/Macro encouraged.


7234 | AP Micro Economics: 5 credits – grades 10th (with approval ), 11, 12 – Economics – no prerequisite

The purpose of this AP course in economics is to give students a thorough understanding of the principals of microeconomics. Microeconomics studies the functions of individual decision-makers both consumers and producers within the economic system. It places primary emphasis on the nature and functions of product markets and includes the study of factor markets and the role of government in promoting greater efficiency and equity in the economy. This course is designed to prepare the student to challenge the Advanced Placement Examination in Micro Economics. Full-year Micro/Macro encouraged.


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