7950CEFRHS| FRCC Humanities: Medieval to Modern (HUM1022): 5 credits/3 college credits – grades 11, 12 – Humanities, Language Arts – no prerequisite
HUM 1022: Introduces the interdisciplinary study of ideas that have defined cultures through a survey of the visual, performing, and literary arts, emphasizing connections among global cultures from the medieval to the early modern era. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH2 category..
7496CEFRHS| FRCC Humanities: Early Civilizations (HUM1021): 5 credits/3 college credits – grades 11, 12 – Humanities, Language Arts, Social Studies – no prerequisite
HUM 1021: Introduces the interdisciplinary study of ideas that have defined cultures through a survey of the visual, performing, and literary arts, emphasizing connections among diverse cultures, including European and non-European, from the prehistoric to the early medieval era. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH2 category.
3800 | World Humanities – Asia: 5 credits – grades 11, 12 – Humanities, English Language Arts, Social Studies – no prerequisite
Students will study the cultures of India China Japan and other Asian countries through historical events art literature philosophy music and architecture. Study will include relating events and concepts of Asia with those of Western Civilization.
3810 | World Humanities – Africa and the Americas: 5 credits – grades 11, 12 (10th, if completed AP Human Geo in 9th) – Humanities, Social Studies, English Language Arts – no prerequisite
This semester class explores the world views and creative arts of the cultures in Africa and the Americas. The course will include but not be limited to the study of history philosophy religion literature and the arts. Study will include relating events and concepts of Africa and the Americas with those of Western Civilization.
1374 | Film Studies: Intro to Film Analysis: 5 credits – grades 10, 11, 12 – Humanities, English Language Arts – no prerequisite
The focus of the course will be the academic study of film. The goal is for students to become active, analytical viewers of film. To this end, students will be exposed to the elements of narrative filmmaking as well as an overview of the history of film with an emphasis on cinematic classics. Students will read extensively on film craft, history, and criticism. They will also read and analyze a novel that has been adapted for the screen with the purpose of comparing and contrasting the narrative techniques of the different mediums. Students will write in a variety of compositional modes including but not limited to: analytical/interpretive, compare/contrast, research/argumentation, critical reviews, etc. Visual media has become pervasive in American society and there is a need to instruct our students to become critical, discerning viewers of this powerful medium. At FCHS, Students will be exposed to rated "R" content movies. Permission slips are required.
9373CEFRHS | FRCC Music Theory Fundamentals (MUS1000): 5 credits/3 college credits – grades 9, 10, 11, 12 – Humanities – no prerequisite
MUS 1000: Focuses on the foundational elements of music theory. The course will cover clef reading, pitch and rhythmic notation, intervals, scales, key signatures, triads and diatonic chords, and an introduction to ear training and sight singing. The course will help beginning music students, including those who have limited background reading music notation and understanding the fundamentals of music theory.
9377CEFRHS | FRCC Music Theory I (MUS1010): 5 credits/3 college credits – grades 9, 10, 11, 12 – Humanities/Fine & Applied Arts – no prerequisite
MUS 1010: Reviews and builds upon music fundamentals, diatonic harmony, phrase structure, and analysis. The course introduces voice leading and four part harmony in root position and inversions.
2772 | AP Music Theory/Humanities: 10 credits – grades 11, 12 – Humanities – prerequisite: recommended current enrollment with a school performing ensemble or possession of high-level musical skills and consent of instructor
Music Theory is an Advanced Placement course. Course content offers the basic fundamentals of music structure, music history, and composition. Additionally, this course explores music and its effect on humanity through history, geography (ethnomusicology), language, visual arts, and dramatic elements. Students will compose their own music, applying a variety of styles as well as cultural implications. Opportunity also exists for live performance of student compositions. This course should be seriously considered by students who anticipate the study of music on the college level and for whom the global implications of music throughout history are of interest. Students completing this course may elect to take the Advanced Placement Exam in Music Theory. Prerequisites: Concurrent enrollment with a school performing ensemble preferred, though not required, or possession of high-level musical skills and consent of instructor. This course satisfies the requirement for humanities credit.
2778CEFRCC | FRCC History of Rock and Pop (MUS1026): 5 credits/3 college credits– grades 9, 10, 11, 12 – Humanities – no prerequisite
MUS 1026: Provides a survey of basic materials of music, musical forms, media, genres, and musical style of American rock and popular music from the late 19th century to the present. Focus of the course will be on studying genres and styles within the context of their role in American society, culture, and political landscape.
9622CEFRHS | FRCC Art Appreciation (ART1110): 5 credits/3 college credits – grades 11,12 – Humanities/Fine & Applied Arts
ART 1110: Introduces the cultural significance of the visual arts, including media, processes, techniques, traditions, and terminology. This is a statewide Guaranteed Transfer course in the GT-AH1 category.